5 on 5 | Mornings

Morning might be my favorite time of the day. 

My oldest is in afternoon Preschool, so most of our mornings are still pretty slow and peaceful. Especially in the Winter when we are sick and stuck inside (come back, sun!). I know the clock is ticking and these days of lazy mornings won't last much longer, so I wanted to document them how they are right now.

Chloe is in her last days of sleeping in a crib. Every morning Madi comes to find me and says "Mommy, Chloe is ready to get up! I pinky promised her I would tell you." I always look forward to kissing those sweet little cheeks when I get her out of bed. 

She always wants to bring her "soft blankie" with her when she gets out of bed, so I wanted to make sure and include that in the picture.

First thing every morning Madi looks out her window to check the weather. Then all morning long she tells me "Mommy! It looks like Spring outside! It seriously does. I'm not even kidding. It just looks like a really cold Spring day."

We might be a little bit excited for Spring around here.

Daddy isn't usually home in the mornings, so when he is we definitely enjoy our cuddles. This is my favorite picture of the year so far. I especially love that Daddy still has his nasal strip on, which he usually forgets to take off for quite a while. 

For breakfast we usually have oatmeal, or cheerios with bananas and honey. I wanted to document those plastic little colored bowls, because even though they cause a ridiculous number of meltdowns and arguments (next time I'm totally buying all of one color), I know they won't always be around.

They aren't super exciting or glamorous, but to me these pictures are priceless because they preserve a memory and bring back a feeling. The feeling of a calm, peaceful, lazy Winter morning. 

Since it's always super hard to narrow down the pictures to 5, you can check out the rest here.

Now head on over to visit Blimie T, a family storytelling photographer in Milwaukee, and see how creatively she tells the story of a delay at the airport.